Music In Worship

The Worship and Music committee meets monthly to discuss and make decisions about music and all aspects of worship including the order of worship, ushers and greeters, acolytes, communion assistants, assistant ministers, and the physical needs of the sanctuary such as flowers, decorations, bulletins, pew placement, carpet, fans and lighting… everything that goes into making worship a meaningful experience for all.

The Choir

Music at Trinity is lead by Linda Krick, the Music Director and Linda Binder, the Organist and Pianist. The adult choir has approximately 35 members who meet every Wednesday night at 7:00 for rehearsal. Sometimes, for instance on Christmas Eve, that number swells to 40 or more. The Festival Choir sings on special occasions. This choir includes the adult choir and additional members of the congregation that like to sing but can’t attend weekly rehearsals.

Handbell Choir

Trinity acquired three octaves of handbells in 2019 and has formed a handbell choir that performs usually once a month during worship and has also performed during the New Holland Community Christmas on Main event. Handbell Choir rehearsal is held every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. and is directed by Gloria Oberkehr.


Choirchimes are played by both youth and adults several times a year with rehearsals occurring before Sunday School on the Sunday mornings leading up to their performance.

Children’s Music

The Sunday School Singers, Kindergarten through 4th grade, sing together in the Kindergarten room at the beginning of the Sunday School hour and several times a year during worship. The Kids Praise Singers, 5th and 6th grades, practice at various times and sing during the service several times a year. There is also a Youth Choir that sings and play instruments several times a year.


In addition to singing, talented members of Trinity also supply instrumental music including piano, cornet, guitar, flute, oboe, violin, harp, and percussion instruments. Often friends and family of Trinity share special music during worship, especially during the summer months

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