
Community Outreach

Trinity is involved in many community outreach projects. Below are some of these projects.

THE MANGER PROJECT: An annual event in which members and friends of Trinity have the opportunity to give Christmas gifts to people from our community who are in need. Gifts of clothing and toys for children and youth, gift certificates for groceries, money gifts and Christmas visits are among the needs of the community.

LIVING BEYOND: Members conduct a work week for other members and our community.

BLANKETS FOR LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF: A group of women meet each Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 12:00 to sew and knot comforters that are sent each fall to the Church World Service Center in New Windsor, MD and are then sent to many different countries to be used for warmth, shelter, and sometimes as a means to carry belongings. During the past year, the group made 120 comforters.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACKPACK PROJECT: In conjunction with community churches, members collect backpacks and school supplies for local students.

WARM SOLES SOCK PROJECT: Members collect socks to be distributed to local children & adults by the ELANCO Ministerium.

KNITTED AND CROCHETED HATS, GLOVES, AND SCARVES: The knitting group meets to knit and crochet these items to be distributed locally. Other members also participate from home.

HEIFER INTERNATIONAL: Members make donations to purchase animals to send overseas. 

COMMUNITY CLEAN SWEEP: We collect various items to be re-used or disposed of in a proper fashion. Items that have been collected in the past are: old sneakers for playground surfaces, denim for building insulation, suitcases for women’s and children’s shelters, DVDs & CDs, cell phones, metals, and styrofoam.

VETERANS AT LEBANON AND COATESVILLE VA HOSPITALS: Members donate toiletries and clothing to veterans as well as Valentines.

CROP WALK: Members walk or ride bicycles or sponsor walkers and bikers for local and world hunger.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: Members assist in building homes in Lancaster County.

Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC):  Trinity has a relationship with Love INC where we have a core of volunteers willing to help when Love INC receives the call for help and asks our coordinator if they can line up one of our volunteers to provide the needed help. This may be chauffeuring to an appointment, doing some repair work, giving respite care, or some other needs. 

Home of Hope, Love INC: is a  ministry that started in New Holland with Trinity Lutheran providing a free lease in an apartment in the church’s house next to Trinity Lutheran Church.

New Holland Area Food Bank.

ELANCO Social Services Network.

LUTHERCARE:    LutherCare is our Lutheran agency centered in Lititz that is providing retirement and personal care communities (Luther Acres in Lititz, Spang Crest in Lebanon, and St. John Herr Estate in Columbia, childcare programs in Lebanon, Lancaster, Columbia, and Reamstown, and counseling. We support LutherCare with our donation of volunteers and through our Budget.

LUTHERAN WORLD HUNGER FUND:   The ELCA’s World Hunger Fund is supported by our offerings and seeks to address the need of the Hungry in the world including those in the USA.

LUTHERAN DOMESTIC DISASTER RELIEF :   Lutheran Domestic Disaster Relief (LDDR) is our agency that oversees and funnels help to the victims of disasters like Katrina, Columbine, etc. Direct and immediate help is provided with volunteers and materials, but also long term needs are addressed with ongoing counseling aid provided. 

SAMARITAN COUNSELING CENTER:    Trinity is a partner congregation with the Samaritan Counseling Center in Lancaster with several branch locations. It is a very professional agency offering counseling in many different forms and in response to a variety of needs for special attention. They have psychiatrists, psychologists, pastoral counselors and social workers on staff. They are also an agency that work with insurance companies. Pastor refers those in need to their services and has a limited number of vouchers for an initial session.

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