Join Us

The best way to get to know us is to join us for worship Sunday Morning!

Come For worship then linger over coffee with friends!

We are Located at:
221 East Main Street
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-4976

Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before Memorial Day
Christian Education classes start at 9:00a.m.
Worship starts at 10:30a.m.
After worship coffee and refreshments served every Sunday in Fellowship Hall.

Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend
No Christian Education for children or adults
Worship starts at 10:30 a.m.
After worship coffee and refreshments served every Sunday in Fellowship Hall.

Additional Information


For ease in participation, our bulletin is now located on the two TV screens in the front of the sanctuary and includes the entire service of the day. Hymns are found in the back section of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book.


Hearing: Trinity’s sound system includes personal hearing units that can be used anywhere in the sanctuary area to assist with hearing what is being said through the microphones. Each unit is as small as a deck of cards with volume control and a wire to a small earpiece. A unit can be requested from an usher. Why not try it to enhance your worship experience!


Holy Communion is the celebration of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ with us. It is a thankful celebration of our union with Christ in his death and resurrection. We celebrate as we eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We are never worthy enough to receive the benefit of this gift of Body and Blood, but Jesus gives it to us freely so that we may have forgiveness and a new life in him. The Body of Christ gathers and celebrates around our Lord’s victory over sin and death in the Lord’s Supper. Trinity opens the Lord’s Table to all members of Christian communities who have the privilege of receiving the Lord’s Supper. Trinity views Jesus as really present in, with, and under the communion elements. We hear Jesus command us to eat and drink his body and blood for the remission of our sins. This meal creates a new covenant with the Triune God. Holy Communion is also a foretaste of the “Feast to Come.” Trinity celebrates the Lord’s Supper every Sunday.


The Congregation comes forward to the Lord’s Table. The Baptismal Font is located near the Altar rail for anyone who wishes to dip into the water and make the sign of the cross in remembrance of your baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit before moving to a spot at the Altar rail.

The Pastor or Assisting Minister will distribute the bread, the Body of Christ. Please hold out your hand or the gluten free wafer to receive our Lord. Saying “Amen” is an acknowledgment of whom you are receiving. Those who are not communing are welcome to come to the Altar rail for a blessing. They are asked to fold their arms across their chest and will be blessed by the Pastor or Assisting Minister. One Communion Assistant will have the Common Chalice and will offer it to those who have no cup or will acknowledge the cup of grape juice as the Blood of Christ. A second Communion Assistant will have the Pouring Chalice for those with an empty cup. Saying “Amen” when receiving the Blood of Christ is an acknowledgment of the reality you are receiving. You may remain at the Altar rail for personal prayer as long as you desire. Others around you may leave and others may fill in those spaces.
If you are physically unable to come to the Altar rail and desire the Lord’s Supper, please ask an usher to have the Pastor and Assisting Minister bring the elements to you.


Trinity’s main parking area is adjacent to its building. Trinity members, friends, and visitors have also been given parking permission by the owners of other properties nearby—to the west of Trinity at the Kauffman Building next to Trinity, at the Stauffer parking lot along Railroad Avenue, and at M & T Bank, across the street and to the south of Trinity. Parking is also available on Main Street. Please be careful if you cross Railroad Avenue, Main Street or park along Main Street. Also, there are three “visitor only” parking spaces located on the south end of the middle island of the main church parking lot.

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